99 Prayer Guide OSRS – A BoboMart Sponsored Guide
Prayer is an extremely fast and easy skill with no requirements. The downside is that it can get pretty expensive. This 99 Prayer Guide will go over the best ways to train so you don’t waste your time or money.
Prayer is a vital component for pretty much every PvM activity in OSRS. High level content like Fire Capes or Infernal Capes are pretty much locked out from lower levels without a decent prayer level. This 99 prayer guide should help you get to the point of being able to efficiently complete any content in the game.
OSRS Prayer Guide & P2P
Prayer was a skill introduced at the beginning of the game. Still, it had only consisted of burying bones for EXP. The paid version of the game now has numerous updates to make Prayer training faster and more diverse. While some quests will provide some starter experience, they will be pretty insignificant in the long run. This 99 prayer guide will show you the most efficient methods to achieve 99 prayer.
Of course, if you can’t be bothered to train prayer yourself with this 99 prayer guide – don’t worry! We have you covered. Join our BoboMart Discord for the cheapest and SAFEST OSRS services around. Have someone else complete the grind for you.
POH Gilded Altar Training
The Gilded Altar is created in the Chapel of any Player Owned Home and requires Level 75 Construction to make and gives 350% experience per bone used. You may train in your own house or simply use a host’s house on World 330. You may pay runners to un-none bones for you, which will make things slightly faster.
Dragon Bones or Wyvern Bones have the best cost-to-efficiency ratio and are the most commonly used. If you want to do it AFK, you can get 270,000 experience per hour. You can earn over 600,000 XP per hour by manually clicking each bone.
The fastest method is to use Superior Dragon Bones if you disregard its exorbitant costs. While it offers more than double the experience over Dragon Bones, it’s also nearly four times the cost.
Chaos Temple Altar Training
This altar in Level 38 Wilderness is precisely the same as the Gilded Altar but with the perk of a 50-percent chance that a bone will not be consumed. The nearby Elder Chaos Druid will unnote bones for a modest fee.
On the surface, this is an economical way of training Prayer. The drawback is that it is in multi-combat, and clans regularly PK here for the chance at free bones. To avoid this, some players will simply bring small loads or low-priced bones like Big Bones.
Ectofuntus Training
The Ectofuntus is one of the oldest additions to the game and was used long before the Gilded Altar was created. Using bones as a sacrifice gives 4x the experience per bone, which is the highest in the game. It may be used with only the Priest in Peril quest completed. However, finishing Ghosts Ahoy and the Medium Morytania Diary would be far more efficient.
Bones used as a sacrifice to the Ectofuntus will first need to be ground in a pot before being combined with slime. To do this, go upstairs with equal amounts of pots and bones. Bank your newly ground bones using a wearable teleport like the Crafting Cape, Desert Amulet, or Drakan’s Medallion. To teleport back, click on the Ectophial for a free teleport.
In combination with the ground bonemeal, you will need to obtain buckets of slime. The usual way of doing this was to fill buckets in the basement, but it’s much faster to buy from nearby charter ships. You may use the same teleport method mentioned above to combine the slime and bonemeal for Prayer XP.
Using Dragon bones, you may get a little over 250,000 XP per hour. Keep in mind that you will work much harder for it than when using altars.
Ensouled Head Training – IronMan Method
As you go about your journey training Slayer or killing dragons for bones & money, you may come across the occasional ensouled head. You may access the new spellbook and the Dark Altar as long as you have 60% Arceuus House favor.
Using Ensouled Bloodveld Heads is one of the more common routes and can provide up to 180,000 Prayer experience per hour. This also gives a mix of combat and magic experience. Although it varies based on the weapon and combat style used.
OSRS Prayer Guide & F2P
Of course, this Prayer guide also offers tips for F2P OSRS training. Training Prayer in F2P is not only significantly slower to achieve 99, but it is also more expensive. Since there is a lack of experience-enhancing activities, you are stuck burying bones until you get bored.
Burying Regular Bones
Disregarding obtaining bones from monster drops, buying regular bones from the Grand Exchange is the cheapest training method. Clicking bones at full concentration should be around 13,000 XP per hour.
To save a little time while banking, carry your bones as notes and unnote them by using them on a banker. Using bank chests is also an option.
Burying Big Bones
Training with Big Bones is quite the same as normal bones, as you will want to stand by a one-click bank like a banking chest. You should get a little over 43,000 experience per hour if you click efficiently. If you go all the way to Level 99 using this route, it will cost over 177 million GP.
Multi-Skill Bone Training
The latest trend for efficient F2P players is to bury Big Bones while completing other tasks, saving time, and breaking the monotony. This can include burying bones between banking while cooking fish or while splashing.
One example is to bury bones between game ticks while cooking swordfish. The most optimal setup would be to train at the range in White Knights’ Castle, drop a load of swordfish in front of the stove, and then bring in a bunch of Big Bones. Quickly pick up a swordfish and click on the range as you bury each bone. Once you practice this, you can get around 18,000+ Prayer XP and 160,000+ Cooking XP per hour.
If you are training magic, you may run around splashing Curse while picking up free Big Bones at the Wilderness. You may get over 5,000 Prayer experience per hour while getting a little over 20,000 magic EXP. This is an excellent method if you are poor or an Ironman.
Quests That Reward Prayer XP
Here are some quests you can do to increase your Prayer levels. Note that F2P players don’t really need to reach 99 as they won’t be able to use the more advanced spells anyway. These are extremely useful for Ironman accounts. Therefore, in this 99 prayer guide we suggest completing as many of these quests as you can if you’re an ironman.
- The Restless Ghost
- Priest in Peril
- Ghosts Ahoy
- Mountain Daughter
- Recruitment Drive
- Rag and Bone Man
- Making History
- Another Slice of H.A.M.
- Rag and Bone Man 2
- The Great Brain Robbery
- Rum Deal
- Spirits of the Elid
- Swan Song
Some of these quests may have steep requirements. Either they’re part of a chain or are meant for higher-leveled players. Also, most of these are member-exclusive quests, so F2P players really have to do with a few of these and keep at burying bones. That being said, if you can get them done they’ll provide completely free prayer xp for you which will help reduce the cost in an otherwise very expensive skill.
Thank you for reading our 99 prayer guide. Hopefully after this you’ve become a bit more knowledgeable when it comes to the various methods to training prayer. When you unlock Prayers like Piety, Rigour, or Augury, the grind will seem worth it. Using this 99 prayer guide, you should get an idea of how to start training Prayer to reach your goal more efficiently.
If you’re ever in need of any gold to train prayer with, feel free to stop by our Gold Shop and purchase some OSRS gold for the best prices around!
Don’t forget to also check out our many other Skilling Guides!
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