99 Runecrafting – A BoboMart Sponsored Guide
There are many different methods for training 99 runecrafting in OSRS. Here at BoboMart, we’re going to explain a few of the most common methods here to you.
Runecrafting is one of the slowest skills in the game currently, but also one of the most profitable. Some people prefer to prioritize making money while others want the max xp to get the grind over with. In this guide, some methods will prioritize XP, while others will prioritize making GP.
![]() Skill Levels 1-9 ⇒ Crafting Air Runes (XP) |
This step requires you to have the Air Tiara and a total of 194 Essences. Air Runes Grant 5 Runecrafting Experience per Rune. The Air Altar is situated south of Falador (the Bank is close by). Sell Created Runes to get some of your Gold investment back, or keep them for later use. Using Pure Essences is more cost-effective (Loses/Profits from this step will be rather marginal, so do not expect to make or lose too much Gold). Note: These first Runecrafting Leveling steps can be skipped by completing some of the above-mentioned Quests. |
![]() Skill Levels 9-14 ⇒ Crafting Earth Runes (XP) |
This step requires you to have the Earth Tiara and a total of 176 Essences.Earth Runes Grant 6,5 Runecrafting Experience per Rune. The Earth Altar is situated north-east of Varrock, very close to the Sawmill (Varrock Teleport might come in handy for this step). Sell Created Runes to get at least some of your Gold back, or keep them for later use. Using Pure Essences is more cost-effective. |
![]() Skill Levels 14-23 ⇒ Crafting Fire Runes (XP) |
This step requires you to have the Fire Tiara and a total of 598 Essences. Fire Runes Grant 7 Runecrafting Experience per Rune. The Fire Altar is situated west of the Duel Arena north of Al Kharid (dueling ring). You can either Sell or keep your Runes. Fire Runes are very cheap, so do not expect to make a profit on this step. |
An alternative approach for Levels 1-24 ⇒ “The Eyes of Glouphrie” Quest (XP) |
First 24 Runecrafting Levels can be achieved by completing the above-mentioned “The Eyes of Glouphrie” Quest. If you meet the Skill requirements, you should opt for this as it will save you a lot of time. |
![]() Skill Levels 23-99 ⇒ Crafting Lava Runes (XP) |
The Quickest way of getting from 23 to 99. Lava Runes are created by combining Fire Runes with Earth Runes. Lava Runes can be created at the Fire Altar, so you should know the route well. Level 82 Magic is Recommended for this. It negates the need for a talisman that is otherwise needed for combination Runecrafting. Binding Necklace will raise your Lava Rune Crafting chance to 100%, so it is a good idea to stack up on them. Please be aware that this step is very click-intensive, and you will most likely hate it. |
![]() Alternative: Levels 13-44 ⇒ Crafting Mud Runes (GP) |
This step requires you to have the Earth Tiara. Mud Runes are created by combining Earth Runes with Water Runes. Just like with the Lava Runes method, this requires you to have Level 82 Magic and the Lunar Spellbook for the Magic Imbue Spell. You can craft those on either Water or Earth Altar. The Earth Altar is recommended, as it is situated in a more convenient place, and crafting Mud Runes on it awards 0.2 more Runecrafting Experience than creating them on the Water Altar. This means that you will need Water Talismans if you don’t have the Magic Imbue Spell. This will be much slower than just spamming Lava Runes, but it has other advantages. The main of them being the economic one. Earth Runes and Water Runes are cheap (~5 Gold each) which means that making Mud Runes (~210 Gold/rune) can be very profitable. Therefore, we recommend this step for players who want to take their time and make some easy Gold while leveling up the Skill. |
![]() An alternative approach for Levels 44-99 ⇒ Crafting Nature Runes (GP) |
Nature Runes Grand 9 Runecrafting Experience per each Craft.The Nature Altar is situated in Karamja, just north of the Shilo Village.They can be easily sold on the Grand Exchange because they are needed for many commonly used Spells.This method is slower and more dangerous than creating Lava Runes, but it is also more engaging and very profitable. At Level 44 Runecrafting you should be able to make ~300k Gold/Hour if you can travel between Abyss’s Nature altar and the bank fast enough.You can also Craft Nature Runes at Runecrafting Level of 91+ to achieve very high profits, thanks to the ability to craft two Nature Runes per essence (this will more than double your profits). Note: The fastest way of making Nature Runes involves the Abyss (Complete the Enter the Abyss Quest to gain entry). You will need good Mining Skill to make your way into the inner Abyss ring. Nature Altar is situated on the north-left side of the inner ring. If you go for the Abyss method, you should use the Amulet of Glory for faster traveling between Edgeville bank and the Abyss. |
![]() An alternative approach for Levels 54-99 ⇒ Crafting Law Runes (GP) |
These can be Crafted from Level 54 Runecraafting, and Level 95 Runecrafting is required for Doubles. Troll Stronghold Quest is needed for Crafting Law Runes (it awards the Law Talisman).Crafting These is done in the Abyss, so Enter the Abyss Quest and a decent Mining Skill are needed. Law Altar is located in the North Right Side of the Abyss’s Inner Ring, very close to the Death Altar. An Amulet of Glory will greatly speed up your traveling. Therefore, this method gets especially profitable at Runecrafting 95+ and can provide you with about 800k+ Gold/Hour. |
An alternative approach for Levels 59-91(99) ⇒ Crafting Double Cosmic Runes (GP) |
At 59 Runecrafting, you can Craft Two Cosmic Runes per a single Pure Essence, which effectively doubles your Crafting efficiency.66 Agility, a Slayer Ring, a Fairy Ring, and the Amulet of Glory are recommended for this method. The Cosmic Altar is situated in Zanaris. You should start from the Edgeville Bank, teleport via the Slayer Ring, this will port you to Rellekka Slayer Caves, exit the caves and teleport to the Zanaris via the Fairy Ring. Then, run south to the Agility Shortcuts. When through the shortcuts, continue due south, to the mysterious ruins, the Altar is located close by. After your Crafting is completed, port back to Edgeville through the Amulet of Glory, and repeat the whole process. If you are able to travel fast and have good enough APM (actions per minute), you should be able to make about 500k Gold/Hour with this method and gain some decent Runecrafting Experience in the process. |
An alternative approach for Levels 65-99 ⇒ Crafting Death Runes (GP) |
Death Runes grand 10 Runecrafting Experience per Essence Used, and have the highest Skill Requirements of all available Runes. Crafting them also requires the Mourning’s Ends Part II Quest.You can Craft Two Death Runes with a single Pure Essence at Level 99 Runecrafting (this is when Death Runes become truly profitable).Crafting These is done in the Abyss, so Enter the Abyss Quest and a decent Mining Skill are needed. Death Altar is located on the North Right side of the Abyss’s Inner Ring. Amulet of Glory will greatly speed up your traveling, so it is recommended. |
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