Fire Cape Guide – A BoboMart Sponsored Guide
Killing TzTok-Jad to obtain the Fire cape can be difficult especially for Runescape beginners. People commonly get confused over how to safe-spot each wave or what to do to switch prayers easily against Jad.
In this Fire Cape Guide, we will show you the best gear and inventory setup to get you through the waves easily and share with you our expert tips on how to kill Jad to obtain your first Fire cape.
TzHaar Fight Caves is a safe minigame, which means you will never lose you OSRS items when you’re killed. Getting there can be done easily by using the TzHaar Fight Pit minigame teleport which is the closest teleport to TzHaar Fight Cave entrance.
You can also use the Fairy Ring code BLP but it isn’t as near as the TzHaar Fight Pit teleport. Finally, you can simply use an amulet of glory to karamja.

The recommended stats:
● 75+ Ranged
● 70+ Hitpoints
● 43+ Prayer
● 70+ Defence
Being level 75+ Ranged is very useful because you will be able to use the Toxic Blowpipe which is the best weapon to kill jad with.
Gear Setups
Note: Having a Twisted Bow is also very useful against TzTok-Jad.
Here is the recommended gear for jad/fight caves (this gear can be upgraded or downgraded as necessary):
● Void > Crystal (ONLY if using BOWFA) > Armadyl > Any Blessed coif
● Ava’s (highest level one)
● Void > Crystal (ONLY if using BOWFA) Armadyl > Any Blessed D’hide Body
● Void > Crystal (ONLY if using BOWFA) > Armadyl > Any Blessed D’hide Chaps
● Amulet of Anguish > Amulet of fury > Glory
● Twisted Bow > BOWFA > Toxic Blowpipe > Karils Crossbow > Armadyl Crossbow > Rune Crossbow
● Zaryte Vambraces > Barrows gloves > Any Blessed Vambs
● Pegasions > Any Blessed boots
● Archers ring (i) > Ring of Suffering (i) > Archers Ring (normal)
● Any God Blessing/Ammo if not using Blowpipe

Don’t use anything less than Adamant darts for the Toxic blowpipe.
This Fire Cape Guide is geared towards all skill levels and all budgets. Any gear can be adjusted to suit your budget, so you can always buy a better piece at a cheaper price. Follow the armor guide above to determine what your best set up should be.
Having trouble using low-tier gear? Try upgrading your gear by buying some gold at BoboMart – using this Fire Cape Guide, the minigame will be MUCH easier with higher tier gear!
Using a Rune Crossbow is the best option for Level 60~69 Ranged players, while the Armadyl Crossbow is the best option for Level 70~74 Ranged players. An Odium ward or Twisted Buckler should be used alongside the crossbow.
OSRS Fight Caves Inventory setup:
● 10 Saradomin Brews
● 4 Ranging Potions
● 14 Restore Potions

Using 3 doses of Saradmin Brews should be followed by sipping 1 dose of Restore potion and 1 dose of Ranging potion.
TzHaar Fight Cave Waves and Strategies
There are 63 waves to beat in TzHaar Fight Cave and the 63rd wave is where Jad appears. During the other 62 waves, you will have to kill 5 types of monsters and each wave in the Fight Cave will include a different number of monsters.
Every monster has its own attack style, which means you will need to adjust accordingly to their attack style.
OSRS TzHaar Fight Cave Monsters
1. Tz-Kih: Uses melee and drains your prayer (highest priority to kill) (don’t pray)

2. Tz-Kek: Uses melee and has a max hit of 7 and splits in two upon death (very low priority to kill) (don’t pray)

3. Tok-Xil: Uses ranged and melee (medium priority to kill) (praying protect from missiles is needed while safe-spotting it)

4. Yt-MejKot: Uses melee (very low priority to kill) (can be safe-spotted)

5. Ket-Zek: Uses mage and melee (Low priority to kill) (praying protect from magic is needed while safes-spotting it)

According to high level PvMers, the best way to safe-spot general TzHaar Fight Cave monsters is by using the Italy-rock to trap the Rangers, Meleers, and the Magers (Yt-Mejkot is the only meleer to trap). The Italy-rock is located south of the cave entrance and the way you trap the monster is totally up to you. You can just lure them until you trap them behind the Italy-rock.

What To Do For Each Wave
Just keep killing everything you see and praying is not needed.
Monsters: Tz-Kih + Tz-Kek
WAVE 7 TO 14
Immediately turn on Protect from Missiles prayer because Rangers will start spawning from this wave 7 until wave 14. You will also need to safe-spot them around the Italy Rock.
Monsters: Tz-Kih + Tz-Kek + Tok-Xil
WAVE 15 TO 21
Meleers will start spawning and you will have to safe-spot them around the Italy Rock. Rangers won’t spawn again until wave 22 so you don’t have to Pray.
Monsters: Tz-Kih + Tz-Kek + Yt-MejKot
WAVE 22 TO 30
Use Protect from Missiles prayer again while safe-spotting and meleers and the rangers.
Monsters: Tz-Kih + Tz-Kek + Yt-MejKot + Tok-Xil
WAVE 31 TO 37
Turn on Protect from Magic because Magers will start spawning while Meleers and Rangers won’t spawn. Using the Italy Rock as a safe-spot is still necessary because Magers can still hit you with melee.
Monsters: Tz-Kih + Tz-Kek + Ket-Zek
WAVE 38 TO 45
Rangers will spawn again so keep praying Protect from Magic while giving the highest priority to kill Rangers. You must keep safe-spotting around the Italy Rock (try to kill Rangers fast before safe-spotting).
Monsters: Tz-Kih + Tz-Kek + Ket-Zek + Tok-Xil
WAVE 46 TO 52
Meleers will spawn again and Rangers will not appear during these waves. Keep praying Protect from Magic while safe-spotting Meleers and Magers.
Monsters: Tz-Kih + Tz-Kek + Ket-Zek + Yt-MejKot
WAVE 53 TO 60
Each wave will include the 3 attack style. Keep using Protect from Magic and give the highest priority to kill Rangers as fast as possible (especially during Wave 60) while safe-spotting the others.
Monsters: Tz-Kih + Tz-Kek + Ket-Zek + Yt-MejKot + Tok-Xil
Continue using Protect from Magic while safe-spotting the meleers. Rangers won’t appear again from now on.
Monsters: Ket-Zek + Yt-MejKot
Two Magers will appear during this wave and the Orange Mager is where Jad will appear in the 63rd wave. Keep using Protect from Magic, kill the Red Mager then the Orange Mager and get ready to kill Jad.
Monsters: Ket-Zek only
How To Kill Jad In OSRS
TzTok-Jad uses all attack styles that means keeping a distance will prevent him from using Melee. He will keep switching between Range and Magic attack styles, the problem here is to keep up with him using your protection prayers.
Don’t worry, we’ve come up with an OSRS Jad strategy that works!
Jad’s movement while using Range is not the same when he uses Magic, so pay attention to his movement to be able to counter his attack.
Range hit is when Jad raises his legs quickly in the air:
Magic hit is when Jad raises his legs slowly in the air:
Both of these movements are very different and can be countered easily if you are fully focused on Jad’s legs.
At 50% Health, 4 Healers will spawn around Jad to heal him, at this point you should prevent them from doing that by luring them using your weapon. These Healers use melee and have a max hit of 14, which means you should kill them first while keeping an eye on Jad’s movement to counter his attack.
Once Jad is killed, the Fire cape will automatically appear in your Inventory.
Things to Remember When Getting Your OSRS Fire Cape
- You can always log out to save your progress.
- DO use game sounds – a lot of noob guides will say not to use it, but it is very helpful.
- Always disable auto-retaliate
- Keep an eye on your Prayer counter and do not spam saradomin Brews.
- It’s better to use prayer hotkeys.
- If you die by the last hit of Jad before his death, the Fire cape won’t be awarded.
- Prioritize using the correct prays over eating food/brews. Jad can hit over 100, so there’s no point in eating up if you’re just going to get hit by the next hit.
- Don’t panic – take it slow and steady and you will be victorious.
- If you’re still having trouble, feel free to check out our Discord and have us get the fire cape for you for extremely cheap prices! We’re also always willing to give some tips and tricks, just ask!
Congratulations! You’ve just finished getting your first fire cape thanks to this Fire Cape Guide! Looking for your next challenge?! Check out our Infernal Cape Guide if you think you’re ready to take on Runescape’s next challenge! Thanks again for reading!
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