Tombs of Amascut Guide – A BoboMart Sponsored Guide

Kephri is the Guardian of Scabaras and is also known as the Scarab boss in ToA.
Path of Scabaras
The Path of Scabaras contains 5 puzzles before the main boss. If you’re not soloing, you can split up.
Memory Puzzle
Press the button to reveal a sequence of 5 tiles. Step on the tiles in the order they light up. If you fail, press the button again for a new sequence.
Pillar Puzzle
This is a test of trial-and-error that requires hitting all 6 pillars in an unknown order. A pillar lights up when it is attacked in the right place in the order. Remember the correct order up until you fail, then try again with a different pillar. When you fail, dodge the boulders that fall from the ceiling.
Light Puzzle
There are 8 tiles, some of which will randomly be lit up. The objective is to light up all 8 tiles. Stepping onto a tile will change the light (turn on if it was off / turn off it was on) and does the same to its 2 adjacent tiles.
Number Puzzle
Read the tablet to reveal a random number from 20-45. The symbols on the grid correlate to numbers 1-9.

Number Puzzle Solutions

Final Puzzle
The final puzzle in our Tombs of Amascut Guide requires revealing tiles with symbols in both routes until they match. Communicate with your team – have a player in one route reveal each tile one by one, while players in the other route try to find the symbol to match it. In a solo, you will have to do this by yourself, but you can move between both routes and there are fewer tiles to reveal.
Overview of Kephri
Kephri is perhaps the most frustrating boss in our Tombs of Amascut Guide. Kephri has 3 shield phases, followed by his final phase. After destroying his shield, scarab minions will spawn. There will also be a short downtime where your goal is to kill the scarab minions and prevent as many of the scarab swarms to get to the boss (they recharge the shield). You will always 1 shot them (hit high (possibly max hit)). During this phase, the boss will not attack either, instead there will come flying scarabs that detonate, exactly like the fireballs.
Phase 1
The first time his displayed hp hits 0, a range scarab will spawn. Pray range, and kill the range minion. It seems either tbow or melee weapon is fine to kill the range minion. As for the melee minion it seems that all weapons are ok on it.
Phase 2
The second time an Arcane scarab and melee scarab will spawn. Kill the arcane scarab ASAP (tbow is very good). The arcane scarab charges up a powerful mage attack (you can pray mage if this goes off to reduce the damage), once you’ve dealt a certain amount of damage the charge-up stops and he teleports across the room. The melee minion is optional whether you kill or not (you can pray melee and ignore him, he will heal the boss slightly, but it is insignificant in high scales).
Final Phase
The third time is the final time. Kephri will knock you back (performing his dung attack (ref: mechanics)). This is the final phase.
Attack Kephri with melee (fang BIS). Kephri does not have an auto-attack, instead he has a projectile he launches. Avoid standing on the shadow as the fireball approaches.
Mechanics of Kephri
Eggs – These explode/spawn agile scarabs. They can easily be ignored (praying range also neutralizes the damage from them 100%).
Dung attack – Players will be surrounded by scarab swarms and after a short delay, will be knocked against the wall, leaving a trail of dung. You can not get past this dung, so make sure to not stuck yourself. It is possible for several people to DD.

The Wardens
The Wardens are the final boss of the Tombs of Amascut Guide. A three-phase bossfight, they emphasis prayer switching and movement, and difficulty can scale up dramatically with selected invocations.
Wardens Fight Overview
In Phase One, the team must DPS the Obelisk in the middle of the room. The obelisk does not attack directly, but instead sends orbs towards the two Wardens on the East and West sides. When they charge up, they can unleash powerful attacks.
During Phase Two, one Warden awakens, the one that absorbed more orbs during Phase One. There are a variety of attacks that must be successfully prayed against/dodged, and the Obelisk also uses ground targeted attacks that must be dodged.
Finally, in Phase Three, the other Warden awakens, and transforms the arena. Players must step from side to side to avoid massive un-prayable damage. Afterwards, the warden summons two of the four minibosses. Finally, At 5% HP, the Warden will Enrage. The ground attack cycle is replaced by a lightning AOE targeting tiles around the room. In addition, the floor will crumble away bit by bit.
Mechanics of ToA Wardens
Phase One
BGS spec one time (regardless of what you hit). Attack with Melee, BP, or Shadow. If you don’t block the red orbs, the Wardens will charge up. Each Warden has two attacks, which they do in order each time they fully charge. The West Warden, Elidinis, spawns Red UFOs and small orbs. To reduce damage from the small orbs, spread out. The East Warden, Tumemken, spawns Yellow UFOs and big orbs.To reduce damage from the big orbs, DD. The Warden that receives the most charge in P1 determines which two minibosses you tank in P3. See below.
Phase Two
Attack with mage or Range. One Warden will now turn into a moving NPC. The Warden will only be vulnerable to one of either Mage or Range. The West Warden begins praying Range, while the East Warden begins praying Mage. The Warden has several attacks:
- Melee Swing – Melee distance only, pray Melee, kite it
- Beige Skull – pray Range
- Red flashing Skull – pray Mage
- Grey blob – Ground targeted, shadow appears, paralyzes you, dodge it
- Blue orb – Disables prayer, pray Mage
- Red sword – Disables prayer, pray Melee
- White arrow – Disables prayer, pray Range
The Obelisk in the middle also periodically uses the following attacks:
- Windmill red tiles – run counterclockwise to avoid them, or skip over them in the center of the room.
- Line red tiles – these are one wide, skip over them.
- Red skulls – A shadow appears on the floor, when the projectile hits it rapidly deals damage in a 3×3, 5×5, 7×7 area.
Core – When the warden has been damaged enough, the core is exposed. No matter what weapon is used, max damage will always be dealt with melee to it, which is multiplied by 5 and hits against the warden’s true HP. See below for detailed information on the Core
Phase Three
BGS spec 1 time. The remaining Warden transforms the battlefield. The Warden attacks one side of the room, then the other, then all but the middle row. Moving between the middle three rows of the room avoids all damage. Use Range, or Tumeken’s Shadow if doing 350+ invocation.
At HP thresholds, Warden will spawn red skulls on the floor. Use melee here. Any melee weapon will have an attack speed of 1t against them. They have 1hp in smaller scales, and 2hp in larger ones. If not killed on time, Warden does a very large AOE.
At HP thresholds, Warden will spawn minibosses. If you block the East side more during P1, Warden will spawn Zebak, and then Ba-Ba. If you block the West side more during P1, Warden will spawn Akkha, and then Kephri.
Akkha’s attacks are predictable, as he starts with ranged and switches styles after three attacks. Zebak’s are not, he starts with mage and can switch between mage and range randomly, however he doesn’t switch very often. Ba-ba and Kephri both do ground targeted attacks, however if you have Aerial Assault enabled Kephri’s will be a 3×3. Akkha+Kephri is easier to pray against, but Zebak+Ba-ba allows you to enable Aerial Assault for an easy +10 Raid Level. Preference.
At ~5% HP, Warden will enrage. Defense level regenerates, but can be reduced by dwh or bgs by 45. Zone attacks stop, and instead Warden randomly spams lightning on the floor after a delay. Warden will also remove tiles from the arena, starting at the back, which will give you less space to work with and make it harder to dodge.
It’s important to dodge Ba-ba/Kephri, but can be easier to dodge Warden’s lightning if you don’t move too much. A good option is to manually walk on tile, and then another, between every hit, which should avoid most damage. We hope you enjoyed our Tombs of Amascut Guide and thank you for reading!
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